
Putting Our 目的 to Work

好的赌博软件推荐 Hosts 4th Annual 目的 Day Creatively Amid Pandemic Challenges

好的赌博软件推荐 presented its 4th Annual 目的 Day where 185 employees spent Columbus Day focusing on community growth and education. While our staff typically gathers together to work on community-focused projects and visits local nonprofit organizations in-person, the day looked a bit different this year.

第一个, all staff members received a “目的 Kit” in the mail that contained supplies to write and decorate uplifting greeting cards that will be distributed to senior citizens, 护士和医生, and cancer patients throughout our Central Indiana community.

然后, employees attended three breakout sessions, hosted by local nonprofit leaders who shared a wealth of knowledge applicable in both personal and professional settings. 现在, we’re here to share with you a few of our favorite tips from each of these featured community partners:

Little Red Door Cancer Agency

弗雷德·邓肯, 小红门的CEO, shared stories and tips for our employees to stay healthy, both physically and mentally, during the global pandemic.

安全的社交. While many of our typical social events have been canceled, it’s more important than ever to find ways to connect with others. This leads to a healthier, happier you!

Participate in Online Wellness Activities. Little Red Door specifically hosts cooking and workout classes on their 脸谱网 page, which are open to the public. Check them out and share with a friend or family member.

Learn 更多的 about Little Red Door

NeighborLink 印第安纳波利斯

Dave Withey and Tom Hawkins, leaders of NeighborLink 印第安纳波利斯, taught our staff about how to turn their passions into action.

做一个解决问题的人. NeighborLink was founded by seeing a problem and finding a tangible solution. Look for situations in your life or community that could use improvement, then find tangible ways to make a positive impact.

Volunteer to Find Passions. Since volunteering is often a low-commitment activity, find local organizations that fit your interests, then sign up for one or two opportunities to see if they’re a good fit for you. You’ll probably meet some great people in the process!

Learn 更多的 about NeighborLink


埃里克•穆勒, Dream Alive首席执行官, provided insightful tactics for parents to engage with their children during these unprecedented times.

Lead with Humility and Empathy. 与青春, especially tweens and teens, it’s critical to listen to understand rather than to try and solve every problem they have. Our natural reaction is to fix things, when we should simply focus on seeking to understand from an empathetic point of view.

Don’t Stop Pursuing Them. Even if your child thinks they are too cool for you, they still want to know you love and support them while they work through who they are becoming as young adults. It’s important to express and vocalize that you’re always there for them when they need you and no matter what.

Learn 更多的 about 梦想


In addition to the breakout sessions, 丽莎Schlehuber, 元素首席执行官, surprised each organization with a $2,500年捐赠. Our credit union is proud of our community involvement, focused on our three “Pillars of Giving” – 首页lessness & Housing, Youth Development, and Healthy Lifestyles.

Learn more about 元素 in the community and our Pillars of Giving below.

Explore our Pillars of Giving

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